Agape Application
Please fill out application as completely as possible - some fields are required. In the past, working Agape has been a bit of an ‘informal’ invitation. In order to help our the leaders (and cooks - who are after all, most important), we’re requesting you to complete an Agape application. However, if you don’t get it done, don’t let that stop you from coming to work - many hands are needed. PLUS, you’ll have so much fun - and be so blessed!
Suggested Costs: Cost to serve the weekend as Agape is a suggested donation of $60/full event or $20/day. This helps cover the cost of meals that you will eat while working. Remember, this is a suggested donation. If you are unable to make a donation, don’t let that stop you from coming to help! Some pay more; some pay less. God works out the details! 2 Corinthians 8:3
Online Payment: You may pay by clicking on the ‘Donate/Pay for Event’ button above. Complete and submit form.
Pay at the Event: Pay the Registrar at the Registration table if you arrive during registration or you can give your money to the Agape director or Agape computer person when you arrive. Checks payable to: Iowa Walk to Emmaus.
*NOTE: If you are working Chrysalis, you are required to submit a background check and Mandatory Abuse Reporting Form. Please click on ‘Download Required Chrysalis Forms’ button below and follow instructions.
We can’t wait to serve with you!
Chrysalis Required Forms
In order to ensure everyone is safe during a Chrysalis weekend, anyone over the age of 18 (workers and attendees) is required to complete and submit the following:
The Iowa Walk To Emmaus Safety Policy Form - you are consenting to allow the Emmaus Registrar to complete a background check with the Iowa Sex Offender Registry and Child Abuse Registry
Mandatory Abuse Reporting Form - This form is required prior to being accepted for or participating in a Chrysalis Flight. Each background check will be valid for 3 years unless the Emmaus Registrar requests a more frequent recheck.
Please click on the button below, print, complete and return the form to: