Service Resolution
Resolution of the Board of Directors, Iowa Walk to Emmaus, Inc.
IT IS RESOLVED THAT: The Iowa Walk to Emmaus Board of Directors Resolves to “Serve within the structures and guidelines of The Upper Room Emmaus Ministries programs." The IaWTE affirms that the Emmaus Ministries programs are founded on the Faith of The Gospel of Christ, focuses on the foundational features of Christian faith with the goal of living life in grace, and a new life based on a renewed relationship with God.
THEREFORE: The Iowa Walk To Emmaus (IaWTE) will invite and encourage participation in Emmaus, Chrysalis & Face to Face events by Lay and Clergy of all denominations, and will not restrict these events to only those Clergy members or churches that require adherence to the United Methodist Book of Discipline. To do so would preclude IaWTE from including clergy from other denominations or holding events at any churches that are not United Methodist churches. The Upper Room Emmaus ministry “Strives for a sound balance of theological orientations and religious styles”. Eligible Clergy members will be those properly ordained by their respective denominations. AND:
All Emmaus ministry leaders, lay and clergy, will be selected based on their assurance that they subscribe to this affirmation. They will be further admonished that there is not allowed any discussions, at tables or en mass, about any "hot button" or controversial social issues, such as abortion, homosexuality, political aspirations, immigration, and the like. The team leaders will ensure that team members agree to serve within these boundaries.
DISCUSSION: Many other experiences and expressions of faith are meaningful to some but not foundational. These important concerns do find expression in the church through appropriate means. But an Emmaus Ministries event is not one of those means. These expressions of faith belong to other programs, times and places. When team leaders agree to serve, they serve within the structures and guidelines of The Upper Room Emmaus Ministries programs. This is not their event to shape as they please. The team leaders also ensure that team members agree to serve within those boundaries.
Reference: Walk To Emmaus Community Manual Adopted: March 9, 2019